Tuesday, June 26


Well just last week I introduced the new series "Stepping out of 
the Cubicle".  This I suppose, is my first REAL post about the business and my life. This post is dedicated to time.  Time is such a big thing in my life right now. It is something I rarely have enough of, and what I do have I have to carefully spread amongst my many commitments.

I am working on learning how to balance life and work. Especially having a home studio, it's so easy to be constantly checking in with work. I read a post somewhere about people that own creative businesses.  They constantly feel guilty. Guilty when they are working that they are not spending time with their family and guilty when they are with their family that they aren't working on the business.

Unfortunately right now, since the jewelry is my second job, I can't carry a regular schedule with it.  I am hoping that come next year, I can work out some sort of schedule that gives me enough time to work on the business each day, and then put it away after I pick up my son from school.

My current schedule:

3 am to 5 am - Wake up, time varies depending on work load
Check email, Facebook posts, renew listings for the next hour or so
5 am to 8 am - Finish any orders/packaging while balancing getting Kaleb and myself ready for the day, feeding the pets, making lunches <--- this is usually my hardest time of the day. I am a maniac trying to get out the door and get enough work done.
8 am to 9 am - Drop off Kaleb at school/ get to work, drop off orders at the post office
9 am to lunch - work at my first job
lunch - check jewelry emails, do any photoshop editing that I can fit in here (there is always something to do in  photoshop - have a creative business, learn photoshop basics!)
lunch to 5 - work at my first job
5 - 6 - pick up Kaleb from school, go home
6 - 7 - check jewelry emails, work on metal and orders for the next day
7 - 7:30 - Find Kaleb some dinner, possibly eat myself depending on the day.
7:30 - 10 or 11 - Finish working on as many orders/items I can get done before crashing.

This is just a typical day, I have a little more flexibility with work on Mondays and Fridays, but I'm also spending 98% of my weekend devoted to the jewelry business!  Currently there is zero time for other things!

My hopeful schedule in a year:

3 am - Wake up <--- this is my ideal work time! It's a crazy thing to know about yourself, and I know most people would dread this, but I can get SO much done at this time!
3 am to 7 am - Answer emails
7 am to 8:30 am - Get ready, real sit down breakfast with Kaleb, get him off to school, drop off orders at the post office
8:30 am - 3 pm - jewelry work, orders, any misc things that may need to get done.
3 pm to 5 pm - something great with Kaleb, after school activities, rock climbing, park, homework
5 pm - 7 pm - sit down, family dinner time. I have always said that I think it's very important to eat as a family at least one time a day. Dave's schedule varies greatly as he is also in the process of following his dreams, but eating together is on our priority list.  I can't say we do the best job of this right now, but we are trying, and hopefully by the time our lives settle down we'll be able to work something in.
7 pm - 9 pm - clean up the house, family time, Kaleb bed time
9 pm - 10 pm - check a few emails for the evening
10 pm on bed time or resting

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